Mortgage Calculator
Mortgage Calculator
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‘Carolmac’ McLemore, PA, Ret. USAF
Choice Realty Carolmac & Co., Inc.
P. O. BOX 1054 MANGO, FL 33550
Phone: (813) 601-8581
Welcome! Thank you for stopping by. I would be honored to serve all your Real Estate needs. With my 30 years of full-time fiduciary experience, I am sure we can find you the perfect fit. I am retired from the U.S. Air Force out of MacDill AFB. I served in Desert Shield and Desert Storm as General Schwarzkopf’s Flight Attendant. I love Tampa and serving people is my perfect cup of tea, so let’s talk soon and share a cup! I will walk you through the entire process from A to Z making it as easy as 1,2,3!